Election Results for 2016–2017

The results of the recent STC/SM election of officers for the 2016/2017 program year are summarized below.

  • Total number of ballots sent out on electionbuddy.com: 37
  • Total number of ballots cast: 11
  • Percentage of members who voted: 29.7%

Based on the votes cast, the winning nominees for each office were:

  • Vice-President-Elect: Alison Phillips
  • Treasurer-Elect: Maryann Bowen

As noted previously, Sharon McDonnell, who served as STC/SM Vice-President in 2014/2015 and 2015/2016, will transition to the office of STC/SM President as provided by our chapter by-laws.

Congratulations to our newly elected officers, and thank you for running for office and being involved in the governance of our chapter.

Council Secretary Will Be Appointed

Although there were no write-in candidates for any of the above positions, one STC/SM member did receive a write-in vote for the office of Secretary (which was included on the ballot but had no candidates listed). However, that member was not aware that they had been written-in as a candidate and, when informed of this by a current Council officer, respectfully declined to serve.

As noted previously in my May 15, 2016, email announcement, if no qualified and consenting candidate was nominated and voted for by the end of the election on May 31, Alison Phillips (our current STC/SM Secretary) had agreed to allow the Council to appoint her as Secretary Pro Tem. Since no consenting STC/SM member received any votes for the office of Secretary for the 2016/2017 program year, Alison will also serve as the Secretary Pro-Tem (for now).

Nominating Committee Members Are Still Needed

There were also no pre-election or write-in nominations for the two open Nominations Committee member positions on the ballot, so those positions remain unfilled and will need to be addressed by the incoming Council officers.

No Comments or Suggestions Were Submitted

Finally, the election ballot provided members with the option of suggesting topics for future STC/SM program meetings and events. However, no comments or suggestions were submitted by any of the voting chapter members.

Respectfully submitted,
Tom Glennan
STC/SM Immediate Past President and Nominations Committee Chair