Veasey Receives Distinguished Chapter Service Award

Maryann Bowen presents the DCSA to Lisa Veasey.

Sunday, June 26, the STC/SM Council was very pleased to present Lisa Veasey with the Distinguished Chapter Service Award, “For your service and dedication to the STC Southeastern Michigan Chapter and future generations of technical communicators.”

Lisa Veasey has been an active member of STC/SM for 26 years, participating at chapter, regional, and international levels, but as 2014–2015 Programs Manager, Lisa got our chapter programming back on track. She took the lead in planning and scheduling events for the entire program year. She managed the process on schedule and to a level that provided quality programming. This programming helped reenergize the chapter, especially longtime chapter volunteers. It helped attract new members and prompted other members to volunteer.

Lisa promotes the value of STC to her students and recognizes and creates opportunities for interaction between tech comm students and professionals. Last but not least, we appreciate Lisa’s quick wit and the sense of humor she brings to all events, even council meetings.

Thank you, Lisa, for your help and guidance through the years.