Kelly Smith Awarded the Distinguished Community Service Award

Kelly Smith, 2022 DCSA recipient

This year, Kelly Smith was nominated and awarded the Distinguished Community Service Award.

The Distinguished Community Service Award, or DCSA, is a societal level award that acknowledges the work of chapter members who provide exemplary service to the Society through their dedication to the chapter and its activities.

Kelly has been a member of STC, STC-SM, and STC-MGL for several years. And she has been an excellent contributor to our chapter. Kelly is our social media manager, membership manager, and co-webmaster, and during her time with our chapter she also volunteered as the newsletter editor for the Instructional Design and Learning special interest group. While doing all of this she completed her masters degree through Mercer University.

Her citation reads:

For your sustained contributions to the Southeastern Michigan and Michigan Great Lakes chapters through your exceptional service as Membership and Social Media Manager.

We’re so thankful for all that you’ve  done for our chapter, Kelly, and we’re delighted that you received this recognition at the societal level. Congratulations!