Meet the New Extended Council for 2024-2025: Publicity

Our chapter is incredibly lucky to have leaders willing to support council activities in the extended council positions highlighted below. These members have been appointed to their important positions. 

Christine Mendiola wears a bright blue paisley top.

Though publicity and marketing are not new skills for Christine, we are thrilled to welcome a new face to the extended council! Meet Christine: 

Name: Christine Mendiola

Position: Publicity

Years in STC: 3 years

Years in Technical Communication: 7 years (volunteer)

Current Position and Employer: Volunteer Technical Writer for American Red Cross (still looking for my first paid technical writing position, currently work in healthcare)

STC and related work experience: none

Why are you interested in this office position? Interested in learning more about the chapter

What else would you like members to know about you? Hobbies include fiction writing, juggling, and sword fighting!


  • B.A. English Creative Writing from Ohio Wesleyan University
  • Technical Communication Certificate from Washtenaw Community College