Learn About UX at CodeMash This January

CodeMash is a conference in Sandusky, Ohio that provides developers education on current methodologies, trends, and tools in the field.

This conference includes sessions on design, UI, and user experience (UX). Learn about accessibility, CSS, data visualizations, user experience, usability testing, and other topics. Check the session schedule for details.

Expand your knowledge and gain skills about the user perspective by attending this conference.


Jan. 7 – 10, 2020
Sandusky, Ohio
Kalahari Resort

Note: Two-day tickets until Jan. 1, 2020 are $400.

STC/SM Officer Nominations Update: May 6

by Tom Glennan, Immediate Past President, Nominations Committee Chairperson

The election of STC/SM chapter officers for the 2016/2017 program year will be underway soon, but we still have no nominations for the office of chapter secretary. We are also seeking candidates to fill the two elected (but non-officer) nominating committee member positions which are up for election each year. It is urgent that we find candidates to fill these positions to ensure the ongoing leadership for moving our chapter forward.

Continue reading “STC/SM Officer Nominations Update: May 6”

STC/SM Officer Nominations Update

by Tom Glennan Immediate STC/SM Past President

Nominations are still open for the upcoming election of STC/SM officers for the July 2016 – June 2017 program year. Since my last posting, our current treasurer, Maryann Bowen, has agreed to run again for that position, and our current secretary, Alison Phillips, has agreed to run for the position of vice president. With current vice-president Sharon McDonnell set to assume the post of president, the position of secretary is the only council seat remaining without a nomination. So one or more candidates for this council position are still being sought, and additional candidates for the other council seats are still welcome as well (the more, the merrier, as they say).

The chapter officer elections will be opened in the next few weeks, so please watch for the announcement and be sure to vote for the candidate of your choice. And if you have a chapter member in mind that you think would make a great officer (and that can include yourself!), we encourage you to send your ideas or any questions to nominations@stc-sm.org. Please note that candidates must be chapter members.



April 21 Program Meeting: Using Brainshark to boost provider communications and training

Join us for our April 21 program at 6:30 p.m-8:30 p.m.

Location: Omni Building – 26899 Northwestern Hwy., Southfield, MI. Emerald Conference Room, first floor; enter the north entrance, check in with Security and they will direct you to the conference room next door.

The program “Using Brainshark to boost provider communications and training” will share the presenter’s expertise and sample works on how to use the web-based presentation tool Brainshark for various communications and training purpose, in order to maximize target stakeholder – provider experience.

Join us to learn:

  • Why Brainshark?
  • The history of Brainshark in BCBSM
  • What do we use it for? And samples
  • A quick process: how does it work?
  • Guestbook, survey and assessment
  • Tracking and Reporting

Register Now

For questions, contact programs@stc-sm.org


Bei Hua,
Senior Instructional Designer,Bei
Project Lead

Bei is a Project Consultant at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. She specializes in eLearning design, development and project management. Prior to joining BCBSM in 2005, she was a learning consultant for General Motors University for five years. She has delivered over 50 online training courses herself. In addition, she has been involved in more projects with her design and project management roles.

Bei believes in selecting communications and training tools, designing and developing products centered around the user. She is familiar with various development tools used for creating online communications and training. She emphasizes the importance of good planning, research and overall program design.

Bei earned her Bachelor’s Education degree in China, Master’s in Educational Administration from Eastern Illinois University and her Educational Specialist Certificate from Wayne State University in Instructional Technology.

Call for STC/SM Officer Nominations

Nominations are now open for the July 2016–June 2017 program year elections, with voting planned for mid-May. If you have a chapter member in mind that you think would make a great officer (and that can include yourself!), we encourage you to send your ideas or any questions to nominations@stc-sm.org. Please note that candidates must be chapter members. Continue reading “Call for STC/SM Officer Nominations”

March 10 Program: Why Tech Writers Have the Potential to Become Great Business Analysts

Join us for our upcoming March 10 program on Why Tech Writers Have the Potential to Become Great Business Analysts.

Washtenaw Community College
Liberal Arts building
Room LA376

Thursday, March 10

Networking and light refreshments at 6:30pm, program 7-8pm, closing remarks 8-8:30pm.

Register Now
Questions? Contact programs@stc-sm.org

Program Overview:

  • Describe the roles and tasks that people perform to develop and maintain software
  • Describe the skills that Business Analysts (BA) and Technical Writers share
  • Describe BA skills and processes that may be new to some Technical Writers
  • Prepare you to work with Business Analysts and perhaps transition into a BA position

About the presenter:
Christine Pellar-Kosbar is an Information Services Analyst at Arbor christineResearch Collaborative for Health. She currently writes requirements and test plans for applications that allow researchers to study rare liver and kidney diseases. Over the last twenty-five years, she has written technical documentation of all kinds, taught technical writing, and analyzed business systems in non-profit and corporate settings.


February 17 Networking Event

Please join us on Wednesday, February 17, 2016, from 5:30pm-7:00pm for a casual networking event in Detroit.

Traffic Jam and Snug

Address: 511 W Canfield Street in Detroit. Phone: (313) 831-9470

RSVP by noon the day before: RSVP to Mary Jo David (profliaison@stc-sm.org) so we have enough seating reserved.

Meet other technical communicators or get reacquainted with those you already know. Feel free to bring a friend. (STC/SM membership is not a requirement to attend.) Do you have a discussion topic you’d like to throw out to the attendees? Bring it on! That’s the fun of these casual networking events–they’re free-form and friendly! There is no entrance fee, but everyone is responsible for his/her own dinner and drinks. When you arrive at the Traffic Jam, ask the host to direct you to the STC/SM table. Hope to see you there!

Recap: Multi-Chapter STC webinar

If you weren’t able to attend the Feb. 2nd Multi-Chapter Techcomm Showcase, by the Rochester, New England, and Southeastern Michigan Chapters of the Society for Technical Communication, check out the information below.

Topics included:

  • Audience-specific Content using FrameMaker
  • Know Your Users: Improving Learning Content by Connecting with Users
  • Best Practices in Using Social Media for Your Business (View the PDF)


Listen to the recording of the presentation


STC Multi-Chapter Techcomm Showcase, February 2nd

Join us on Feb. 2nd for our Multi-Chapter Techcomm Showcase, brought to you by the Rochester, New England, and Southeastern Michigan Chapters of the Society for Technical Communication.

Each chapter is providing a speaker for the event who will provide a brief presentation and a question and answer period.

Speakers and Presentation Details
Audience-specific Content using FrameMaker

Bernard Aschwanden, STC President, works with clients to improve content creation, management and distribution workflows to improve quality and increase productivity. He is the founder of Publishing Smarter, an Associate Fellow of the Society for Technical Communication, and President of the STC, Bernard has helped hundreds of companies implement successful publishing solutions. Bernard is focused on publishing better, publishing faster and publishing smarter.

Know Your Users: Improving Learning Content by Connecting with Users

As a learning content developer for a technical writing team at Autodesk, Patty Gale is involved in many aspects of the design, development, and production of learning content for 3D modeling software. A technical communicator for over 25 years, Patty has worked at businesses all sizes, from small start-ups to large corporations. Whether the sole writer or part of a larger team, Patty enjoys learning new technologies and determining the most effective way to share important information with users. She has received multiple awards from her employers and STC competitions, including an International Award of Distinguished Technical Communication. Patty holds Bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science and Business Management.

Best Practices in Using Social Media for Your Business

Angel Belford is a communications professional with over 10 years of experience in writing, editing and content management. Currently, Angel is the Web Content Administrator at Lourdes University managing all online content and the company Intranet. Prior to her current position she worked at FOX Toledo, a local news media organization, overseeing the Internet department, social media and the internal content management system. Angel was a technical writer at La-Z-Boy, holding this position for several years while creating documentation including user and administrator manuals, quick reference cards, and online manuals. She has developed/maintained several types of digital and print documentation including: quick reference cards, websites, forms, user guides, training manuals, diagrams and newsletters.


Meeting Details

STC member $10.00
Non-member $15.00
Student $5.00

6-7 PM Networking
7-8:30 PM Presentations
8:30 PM Wrap-up

This multi-chapter STC educational event is offered virtually as well as in person. (Remote attendees will receive access information during the week before the presentation.)

Lawrence Technological University
21000 West Ten Mile Road
Southfield, MI  48075-1058
Room TBD
Walk-ins are welcome.

Virtual Attendance Option
If you’re not able to attend in person, you are welcome to attend virtually through Adobe Connect.

RSVP: Register by Friday noon, January 29th. For questions or late registration, please contact programs@stc-sm.org