Usability Research Program on September 22 to Improve STC/SM Website

Pam Finger, Master of Science candidate in Technical and Professional Communication at Lawrence Technological University, is researching some issues of information architecture in an effort to make this website more useful and the information more findable. Pam is working on her practicum with STC/SM’s new webmaster and LTU adjunct faculty member, Pat Martz.

There are three competing, and possibly conflicting, needs:

  • the users’ needs for findable information on a usable site
  • the volunteer STCS/SM webmaster’s need for a shallow learning curve and an easy-to-maintain site
  • STC/SM’s need for clearly identifiable branding

To that end, Pam will be leading a program on usability with a series of qualitative research exercises to determine what users want and need.

We need guinea pigs. Be one of those users! Join us in this opportunity to see what this type of research is like from the participants’ side of the table and to help us produce a website more responsive to your needs.


  • Date: Saturday, September 22, 2012
  • Time: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Place: LTU, 21000 West Ten Mile Road, Southfield, Michigan, the Taubman Student Center’s Welcome Center, room C406
  • Price: FREE! We will ply you with liquid refreshments and edible goodies in gratitude for your participation

Please register to ensure enough coffee and edible goodies.